Friday, February 7, 2014


Amanda Mitchell Mrs. Saragusa English 122 16 November 2010 Mechanical Womb As name in studies through by March of Dimes for the Neonatal Indecadesive propose Unit (NICU) more than one turn up of every ten babes in the United States ar innate(p) wrong and is case-hardened at the NICU. Many babies are treated at the NICU, including babies vivid prematurely or after difficult deliveries, and babies born with respiratory problems, infections, and return defects. Birth defects p baseel include, for example, problems with the heart, body chemistry (metabolism) or morphologic systems of the newborn. The own of a premature indulge piece of ass be brought on by other serious factors as well, including placental abruption, in which the placenta detaches from the uterus; placenta previa , in which the amniotic outlet is torn, causing the amniotic fluid to leak out; maladroit cervix, in which the opening to the uterus opens to soon; and maternal toxemia, or blood poisoning. While these are some of the examples of premature birth the causes are usually unknown. Prematurity is much more pose surface in multiple pregnancy and for mothers who have a chronicle of miscarriages or who have given birth to a premature infant in the past. As one tyro points out one of the few and most important causes of prematureness is dose abuse, particulary cocaine or other strong drugs done by the mother. Some of the more common risk and complications of prematurity are RDS commonly known as Respiratory distraint syndrome. Babies born too soon have lungs too young to persevere open. With RDS breathing is rapid and the center of the chest and guy cage pull inward with each breath. Extra oxygen can be supplied to the infant through tubes that fit into the nostrils of the nose, or by placing the baby under an oxygen hood.(Bromberger) NEC similarly called Necrotizing enterocolitis is where the babys intestines are destroyed as a result of bacte rial infection. In these cases, the innermos! t lining of the bowel dies ,but the infants body...If you want to get a all-encompassing essay, vagabond it on our website:

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