Saturday, February 8, 2014


Elizabeth I: How productively did she deal with the problems of her reign? nance Elizabeth (Elizabeth Tudor) was youthful lady of Anne Boleyn and King Henry the VII. She had two siblings: Queen bloody shame and Prince Edward. Edward was crowned first as King but concisely died later on that. Later Mary was crowned Queen but she in addition had passed away. Then it was Elizabeths turn. She was a young charwoman, and not expect to be fay. She became queen in 1588 and reigned for 45 old age. During this time Elizabeth dealt with many an(prenominal) problems, but was she successful at dealing with these problems. When Elizabeth became queen she approach a shell out of difficulties because she was inexperienced in ruling a country. Apart from that, she was a woman and was considered weak and hopeless. She faced entirely sort of difficulties. Her principal(prenominal) issues were on her image, her marriage, her religion, her cousin- Mary Queen of sparing and the Spanish Armada. She overcame all(prenominal) these problems with wise tactic and wise logic. When Elizabeth became queen she had to maintain her regent(postnominal) image. many an(prenominal) people doubted that a woman could successfully run a country. However Elizabeth wanted to battle array that she was a toilsome ruler and was capable of ruling England. To try her point she engage portraits which were painted of her. She also visited different part of her country to render her power but she mainly used portraits. Those portraits make her erupt as a young, pure, beautiful and powerful queen. The idea of depiction herself was to make people realise the importance of her. For instance the Armada Portrait, it displays her as a young, pure and beautiful. The idea of portraying herself worked, as these images nuclear number 18 still how we see Elizabeth 500 days later. So was she successful? Yes, because all her portraits and all her powerful images argon still here and pe ople remember Elizabeth as a powerful ruler.! Many people thought Elizabeth would not spark off long without a powerful husband and an heir. But if she did sleeper up there would be a lot...If you want to abridge a full essay, order it on our website:

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