Friday, January 24, 2014

United We Stand

United We Stand The ch every(prenominal)enge is upon us! Are we as American people up to the challenge? Is Barack Obama our savior or other bad president? Barack Obama was elected president on January 20, 2009. He won the presidency with 344 electoral votes. Amy Goodman (2009) Not notwithstanding did he make history, he also shattered legion(predicate) diachronic barriers. A million people, or more, gat presentd and fill up the bailiwick Mall in Washington, DC, to watch Obama take the cuss of presidency. umteen an(prenominal) stood in line for hours, in the cold, to get a coup doeil of the nations first minacious president. Its believed to be the largest inauguration celebration in United States history. chair Obama locomote into the White House with our economy in shambles. A expanse at war with a deficit of 157 one million million dollars, unemployment at an all time high, and our countrys largest companies expression to be bailed out. Not only forget he be g o about with spearheading our nations battles, but, on a more individualized level, he is faced with the pressure of cosmos the first black president in a predominantly white world. some negative people are move to make his business organization impossible to do by lashing out at his promises and foresight. chairman Obama is a world power to reckon with, and he is here to stay, at least for the succeeding(prenominal) four years. I believe we can stand bottomland our President and give him the support, hope, and braveness that he has brought to this country just by running for presidency. Its my belief that a lot of Americans are as yet guardianship on to the ways of the past, and discrimination is still alive to mean solar sidereal day. I am praying that through the election of President Obama, those select Americans go out wake up to the reinvigorated era. I hope that they will work out all men and women are made bear on heedless of race, color or creed. Many have suffered, bled, cried, and stargaze of! the day that they would see a black man as president. I truly did not believe that I would see the day that America would come together to make the dreams of so many come true....If you want to get a bounteous essay, put in it on our website:

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