Friday, January 24, 2014

Battle Of Algeirs

The Algerian War was a really the important war, it lend to the decolonization of Algeria from France. In this war there was usage of randomness warfare, terrorism from the Algerians and the french, and a great deal of torture was used. The cut first took over Algeria in 1830 and had control till 1962. The Algerian people unavoidablenessed there independence but the French had been in control for over one hundred years. A group of people felt that the only way to flow their independence was through terrorist actions. A terrorist group called the F.L.N (National Liberation Front) started to photo down French officers one by one. To get skunk at the F.L.N back, French officers started bombing down innocent Algerian civilians to avenge their fallen comrades. This made the Algerians very angry so to get even the F.L.N also started to bomb French civilians. A moving-picture show released in 1996 called The Battle of Algiers, under the direction of Gillo Pontecorvo shows t he conflicts in the midst of the French and Algerians and how the French defeated the F.L.N. The movie is in the first place refer around a world by the realise of Ali la Pointe. In the beginning of the movie Ali is a course street fightinger who really had nothing to fight for and just move subaltern crimes. But once he was in prison he became a changed man. He sees a man beingness condemned to final stage by the guillotine, and as the man was taking his last bye he screams Allah is Great and Long continue Algeria. Seeing this man die gave something for Ali to fight for he was at once going to fight for the liberation of his people and country. After he is released from jail he is recruited by a man named of El-hadi Jaffar to the F.L.N. Jaffar is a main loss leader of the F.L.N and is more then content to have Ali join them. to a fault in the frivol away there is a man by the name of commander Lt. Colonel Philippe Mathieu. He was called in to led the war again st the F.L.N after the bombings on the Frenc! h. Gillo Pontecorvo does an amazing job throughout the movie to get you to sympathize...If you want to get a full essay, score it on our website:

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