Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Identify a Vulnerable Adult from My Recent Clinical Experience. It Will Reflect on the Physical, Social...

This assignment will identify a conquerable full-grown from my recent clinical experience. It will reflect on the physical, social, butt on mental and psychological factors that contributed to her vulnerability and discuss how they were addressed in practice. To verify confidentiality, in accordance with the Nursing and Midwifery Councils canon of professional conduct (2008), the name of the person, infirmary and the confidence hand over been changed. The Lord Chancellors department (1997) defines a under attack(predicate) adult as a person over the date of 18 years, who is, or whitethorn be in privation of community distribute services, for reasons of mental health, disability, age or ailment and is, or may be unable to take precaution of, or harbor themselves from harm or exploitation. Vulnerable groups be often expound as being those at encounter of poor, physical psychological and social health, therefore we are each(prenominal) at pretend of be coming vulnerable at whatsoever topical anaestheticize in our lives. Groups that have a higher risk of becoming vulnerable include, children, plurality with learning and physical disabilities, heap suffering with mental health problems, chronically ill people and the senior(a). Age restore (1986) defines vulnerability in the elderly as people in need of some support, help and/or advice in establish to prevent personal or social deterioration or breakdown. Without this their level of dependency on others or their ability to sell their lives as they wish, king deteriorate to the point of necessitating their removal to institutional care, which is not their preferred option and might otherwise be prevented or postponed (page 11). This statement is proven in my clinical experience. Whilst on placement on a fussy acute health check ward, at a local hospital, I helped to care for an elderly lady, whom I shall refer to as Mrs Berry. Mrs Berry was 87 and had been admitted to hospital following a cras! h at her home. Luckily, a populate had called upon Mrs Berry and discovered her on the floor and...If you want to bewilder a full essay, sight it on our website:

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