Wednesday, January 22, 2014

1984 George Orwell

1984 Essay In his novel 1984, George Orwell tells a story of a existence named Winston Smith, Winston is from the future, he is at war with himself and with the caller, and the homo he lives in is restrictled by a totalistic g everywherenment chitchat the troupe. Orwell uses the literary devices situational irony, imagery, and auspicate, to image us the dangers of a undemocratic political science. Orwell creates a vision of the future that is cold hearted, dark, and controlling, to verbalize us how a good deal power the totalitarian government system have over their people and that the world is pallid. Through situational irony he shows how coercive the troupe is; by using imagery Orwell reveals that the world of 1984 is a dark and colorless place to live; and his use of foreshadowing shows us that no matter who the somebody is to you, you tail assemblyt sureness them. Through these devices Orwell shows the future where a totalitarian government has wide-cut cont rol over the people and the people sustentation thither have no freedom. In 1984, Orwell uses situational irony to show that the party is dominant and jakes do whatever they want. At the terminus of chapter 7, when Winston and Julia are confessing their bed for each other(a), the author writes, if they could drag me mental block loving you that would be the real flunkal. She thought it over. they cant do that, (pg 137) The authors use of betrayal to describe Winstons love for Julia reveals to the reader that the party can make Winston betray Julia and other members of Oceania. The word betrayal is usually used when a person lets down or goes against someone important to them. In this instance Winston is that person that betrays his loved one because the party make Winston snap off loving Julia. This sue of situational irony concedes the reader to clear how the party has full control over their people and that the party can do whatever they want. Orwell is trying to w arn us that if we allow a totalitarian gover! nment take control they go break have the power to do anything....If you want to set out a full essay, order it on our website:

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