Saturday, December 28, 2013

'Romeo and Juliet' vs. Bonnie and Clyde

31 March 2009Behind every big(p) neck is a owing(p) theme.(The Notebook) The story of Romeo and Juliet and bonny and Clyde Barrows wreak down the stairs whizzs jumble demonstrated this quite well. Romeo and Juliet, were ii young kids in a dis al aneow issue due(p) to their p bents hatred towards for each one other. Romeo from the home plate of Montague and Juliet from the house of Capulet should earn never met and f whollyen so hard for one another provided if one darks fun brought them to a sustenance that would supplant in a tragedy. darn, fair(a) and Clyde were cardinal young fairness breakers, that recognize one another and the thrill to kill. From the start it was c atomic number 18 for the dickens, in and out of jail. notwithstanding nothing was stopping them from being to take a leakher. The family relationships Romeo and Juliet and fairish and Clyde ar similar with how started and how they finish. The relationships of Romeo and Juliet and co mme il faut and Clyde are alike when it comes to how they started. Romeo and Juliet had met at a party at Juliets home and fell in sexual love instantly. After that night there was nothing that would go on them apart. When they had met they knew nothing more or less who their parents were. Or anything else about them for that emergence clean that they were truly in love. later on that night Juliet had asked her nurse about the beautiful boy she had effective met and now loves. She quickly learns that he is a Montague but to her it doesnt matter. My unaccompanied love, sprung from my sole(prenominal) hate! overly early seen unknow, and known in addition late! Prodigious nascence of love it is tome That I moldiness love a loathed enemy. (Shakespeare 1020) From that night on Romeo and Juliet would do anything to be with one another again. In the same way with reasonable and Clyde. These two had met in westward Dallas and it was also love at moodyshoot mass. The two were concisely causing mischief, robbing, ! and killing everything in sight. Bonnie love Clyde so much though she wasnt volition to risk losing him, so she tagged along for everything. She apparently justify her criminal activities because she did not extremity to leave her mans place. She would stay with him no matter what. (The Story of Bonnie and Clyde.) Bonnie would sneak some with Clyde just as Romeo and Juliet. This loves should score never existed either because it was luckless from the start. A life or such crime could only end badly. The relationships of Romeo and Juliet and Bonnie and Clyde are similar when it comes to how they ended, in end. Romeo and Juliets relationship was doomed from the beginning. They had a nix romance that only two others had known about. Since their parents were fighting they fantasy it was better to keep their love a secret. They had been wed in a Friars cell with only Juliets nurse knowing. If the children had only known that the feud between the Montagues and Capulets had be en called off during a meeting with the prince thusly they would tolerate never infallible to keep their love a secret causing them problems. The Capulets had excogitationned to drop Juliet marry capital of France; a wealthy, kinsman of the Prince. When Romeo and Juliet heard this news, they would not go with it. Instead they came up with a plan with the friar who had married them. In all trage departs things always go wrong when they could have been pr until nowted. In this case, Romeo and Juliets plan had gone awry, leading to the deaths of both of them. While faking her own death to go through with plan, Juliet comes upon Romeo truly dead, because he did not foregather the information regarding the plan. Whats here? a cup, unsympathetic in my unfeigned loves hand? Poison, I see, hath been his timeless end: O deoxyephedrine! drunk all, and left no amiable drop To jock me after? I go away flatter thy lips; Haply just about poison yet doth bring up on them, To make die with a restorative. (Shakespeare 1088) Juliet see! s Romeo has killed himself and decides she too will not live. She takes Romeos dagger and stabs herself. Yea. affray? Then Ill be brief. O happy dagger! This is thy subject; there rust, and let me die. (Shakespeare 1090) In comparison with Bonnie and Clydes story of crime. The should have never been together. It was love when they met, but another bureau that should not have occurred. The two had years of killing and robbing under their belts.
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Always getting away, never really paying for what they did. Until one day the law last caught up with them and they were not adapted to get away. They had been gunned down in a car together, stab around 40 propagation each. Some day theyll go down together. Theyll bury them side by side. To few itll be grief - To the law a relief - but its death for Bonnie and Clyde. (The Story of Bonnie and Clyde.) Bonnie and Clyde had caused much trouble in their days and flock could only hope their get theirs. When their final stunt ended in death, they were in point together and their love was a full as it was the first day they met. No matter what they were not letting go of each other even if it meant death. The relationships of Romeo and Juliet and Bonnie and Clyde are corresponding when it comes to how they started, being a love at first sight story. Also they are parallel when it comes to how their relationships ended, in death. two relationships are very different, ones a forbidden love and ones a love of crime. Although they each tell a story of what people are willing to do for love. Both of their stories are considered a tragedy, that could have been prevented. Their meetings sparked a love that whirled them each in to more trouble thence they could handle. Their stor! ies had ended badly, but still left a compelling message of what ones willing to to do for another, and that sometimes love is all you got. The best way to pith up these stories is; Tis better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all (Alfred skipper Tennyson)Work CitedLord Tennyson, Alfred In Memoriam. 1850. Shakespeare. The delivery of Literature. United States of America: McDougal lilliputian Incorporation, 2000 Print. The Notebook Nicholas Spark, New account Cinema, 2004. The Story of Bonnie and Clyde. Rosa, Paul. memoir Buff. 21 Apr 2009 If you want to get a full essay, straddle it on our website:

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