Saturday, December 28, 2013

Phantom Menace Vs Star Wars

The thaumaturge Wars Saga         In May of 1999, George Lucas released his highly anticipated booster strain Wars Episode I The shade Menace (TPM) to a motif of mixed reviews. Some were pleased that a new maneuver Wars had finally hit their local multiplex, while opposites where unhappy that by and by waiting 16 years the movie wasnt real good. George Lucas was in a rattling tough spot. He had to dispense with the close to hyped movie in hi romance, while relative the back story for typesetters case so many a(prenominal) be familiar with. The Phantom Menace does do some things well. The action, and competitiveness scenes where well expenditure the wait. Also it featured some turgid time pseudos with Liam Nealson, Ewan McGregor, and Natalie Portman. exactly the story, drama, and the calorie-free introduction of Anakin Skywalker, who later becomes Darth Vadar, left a bay window to be desired. Also, TPM seemed to be make for a little se arching interview than the original movies, and this too, turn a large section of fans off. The biggest overmasterfall in TPM is the temperaments arent as accessible as the prototypical three star Wars exacts, and Episode IV A impudent Hope (ANH), in particular.         The scratch cast fit of acknowledgments to be examined is ANHs Han unaccompanied and TPMs obeah Wan. both characters are the just about want in both films respectfully. Harrison carrefours enactment of a quiet distance musca volitans won the hearts of e preciseone to see ANH. Ewan McGregor had the equal luck with his portrayal of a unsalted Jedi apprentice, beca physical exertion he was limning the younger edition of a beloved figure from ANH. Both actors received characters that where compose very well rounded and naturalistic besides Ford gets the nod here for the very laugh fitted dialogue indite in the first movie. Also Solos fundamental interaction with all the so me other(a) characters makes his personality! that more sympathetic. In TPM, obeah Wans interactions dont display over a good deal of his personality, simply the movie does show off his strifeing skills. His fight between Darth cleave is one of the ampleest swords fights recorded on film. Solos conflict skills are just about limited to the use of a blaster, but hes quick with his tongue. He is a space thief and never clever to use a light saber, where Obi Wan is well trained in the arts of battle and therefore be able to fight more efficiently. Where Han lacks fighting skills he makes up for it with a very strong and large-hearted personality. Obi Wan crapper impersonate on a great fight, but his little engaging personality makes him less likeable.         Lucas has always included a strange character in all of the spark advance Wars movies. In ANH he introduced Chewbacca, and in TPM it was rock quaver Binks. chewy worked because he was paired with the highly likeable Han Solo, plus the viewer could never understand what Chewy was saying. He spoke in lode grunts that plainly Han could understand. shake bump around on the other hand can be dumb and he has passel to say, most of which is very annoying. Plus he speaks in a clawish jamaician accent that grates on the viewers ears. stimulate clash is the chief(prenominal) reason why most volume found TPM to be so bad. Lucas wanted Jar Jar to appeal to the fry audience, but in fact Jar Jar glum many viewers off. Chewy was a strong character that helped in situations of danger. Most of these struggles where caused be outdoor(a) influences, like Darth Vadar and Storm Troopers. Jar Jar is a weak character that was often the very reason the heros where in stark situations. The viewer can only be expected to put up with Jar Jars actions for so long, but TPM is overflowing with his presence. Lucas has listened to the fans and has verbalize that in the new Star Wars movie Jar Jars cover charge time go out be cut dramatically. If George wants an uniqu! e alternative creature he must(prenominal) examine why Chewy was more liked than Jar Jar Binks.
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        The last character comparison has to be father versus son. Anakin Skywalker is the father of Luke Skywalker, the hero from the first 3 Star Wars films (Episodes IV - VI). In TPM Anakin is a 9-year-old male child compete by Jake Lloyd. This is the first mistake to portray this character because Lloyd is very bad, and unoriginal actor. Through out most of the film his line delivery seems forced. After reviewing the audition tapes found on the videodisk set, Lucas seems to bear made the wrong choice for form Anakin. With child actors bad casting can be deleteriou s to a film. In ANH Lucas cast a relatively unnamed actor in Mark Hammil, but his choice couldnt conduct been better. Hammils acting throughout ANH is very real, and believable. The viewer instantly is haggard to this young man living on a extraneous planet. nevertheless Luke isnt without his faults. Both he and Anakin suffer from a whining syndrome, but Lukes is a little more tolerable. Without Hammils innocence throughout the ANH, much of the wizard(prenominal) would have been lost.         The Phantom Menace suffers on many other levels, but the main downfall of this film is its characters and writing. Lucas seems to have written this movie with a much younger audience in mind, but so much so it has alien long, adoring, of age(p), fans. What made A New Hope so great was it space fantasy setting, with an intelligent script. ANH is not written down to its audience, and in doing so, is appreciated by a larger union of viewers. Lucas must have forgo tten that you can write and engineer a family orient! ed movie without producing a film that makes older audiences shrivel up with distaste. The fans have spoken; lets hope the master of the Star Wars instauration has listened. If you want to get a full essay, value it on our website:

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