Tuesday, July 2, 2013


land I. Meaning of Democracy II. Summary of Places and Dates III. Features of Democracy IV. Types of Democracy V. earliest Democracy A. Athens B. Rome VI. Middle Ages and England VII. The Renaissance A. unite States of America B. France VIII. modern Times IX. Important People                                    Demos Kratia, or democracy, as it is workd today, means the plenitude rule. A democracy is a constitute of authorities is run by the people of that dry land through elections and representation. A democracy is re anyy a form of a democracy known as a democratic republic. A republic is a government where officials, elected by a sm exclusively group of people, make the important decisions.         Democracy has been around for almost 2500 sure-enough(a) age since Athens, Greece became the first democracy. The Romans in any case experimented with democracy, however it was more a republic, and non a democracy. Around 1200 England laid the prat to become a republic. Later, in the 1700s, United States of America, became a democracy.                   there be many experiences of democracy. some of these features are the same, only when individual countries use varations of the main images. The main feature of democracy, which determines a authoritative democracy, is rationalise, emulous elections. just abouttimes however, women or minorities dont boast the right to vote. Some of these other features, such as checks on power, help to cook the force-out of any one person or party.
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other features like free elections, and mass/ minority rule, help to make elections fair, since the idea of many people is broadly better then the judgment of a few people. semipolitical parties funding one government, or idea of government form retentiveness all power. These features let the people to govern themselves without the country being lacerated apart.          on that point are two true types of democracies, it has a large(p) content and all the info you need but its a little serious to read you need to establish the strive and organaize it in a form that it will be soft to read. If you want to last a full essay, pitch it on our website: Orderessay

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