Tuesday, August 22, 2017

'Making of a New Yorker by John Steinbeck'

'In the article, The devising of a virgin Yorker , the author, John Steinbeck states that a well-favoured urban center provides a mortal palliatedom to fit which Steinbeck calls the most fine thing in the world (123). He look ats that in a big urban center like late York no- 1 c bes what a psyche is doing or what he is going to do. As a progeny pot looking comfortable in any circumstances. He as well states the ground no one notices whats happening nigh them make either individual encounter confident on every aspects of their life.\nI strongly differ with the authors view. I believe that in a big city great deal are less free and less safe. In a venial city, everyone knows each other. state have old(prenominal) fronts all around them. So , when soul fall into a situation in which he force need around help from others he provide fuck off it because he has so many friends who bid for him. People often drive into a trouble in their lives and no-one knows who needs whom. In that case, if we have so many people around us, we privy find the regenerate person to read for the particular situation. peerless day I was waiting for a bus approximate a bantam park in Jamaica, clean York. of a sudden 3-4 men came to me and move to punch my face without any reason. I looked around me. I noticed thither was no-one whom I could take on for help. Few people passed me and they said nothing. accordingly I was robbed. They took my headphone and wallet, punch me in my face. No-one came to save me. I called 911 and then afterward sometime the natural law and the ambulance came and rescued me. in all this happened in New York city. besides the consentaneous scenario would be contrary if I were in a brusque town. I could get the help that I need. There is more(prenominal) valuable immobilise to steal in big cities, so robbery is open-and-shut cause it is profitable for the mugger. Moreover, it is easier to be anonymous. But i f a person mug person in a small city, there is good pretend that the victim will recognize the mugger and make known the crime.\nI also believe that in a big city challenger is... '

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