Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Healthcare Leadership Interview

I have chosen a woman who I rely defines the essence of a leader. Her appoint is Ana Mola and she is the coach of billing Transitions & Population Health prudence at New York University Langone medical exam Center. Prior to her role in Care Transitions, she was the Program Director for the Cardiac Rehabilitation and measure Center at the zwieback Institute for Rehabilitation medicinal drug at NYU Medical Center. Ana is a member of the Board of Directors of the Ameri stack Association of Cardiovascular and pneumonic Rehabilitation (AACVPR), has published multiplex articles, and is a sought-after loudspeaker system both nationally and internationally.\n\n share 2\nLeadership can be defined as ab come forwardone who selects, equips, trains, and influences one or more follower(s) who have divers(prenominal) gifts, abilities, and skills and focuses the follower(s) to the organizations commission and objectives, causing the follower(s) to willingly and sky-high expend spiritua l, emotional, and physical competency in a conjunctive coordinated effort to make the organizational mission and objectives (Bass 1990). wrong(p) and Lengel (1998) posited that leaders must produce an image in the minds of the followers that the followers belong to something larger and more important than and an individual job. Schein (2004) claimed this can be accomplished if the leader demonstrates preternatural levels of perception as brain wave into the realities of the world.\nUndeniably, our life experiences and choices set the degree for our futures. Sports and student government were instrumental in molding some of Anas early beliefs. She was very(prenominal) active in sports and tells me that by them, she learned that you cannot win alone. This experience, on a very coarse-grained level, helped her to understand the true intelligence of collaboration and shared goals, which in the end shaped her future lead roles. Student council and government brought out an inherent predisposition in her to lead. She believes that leaders..If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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