Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Determining the Properties of an Enzyme - Establish the Most Optimal Environment for a Peroxidase Enzyme

Description: A peroxidase enzyme, which was extracted from a brassica compestris (turnip), is tried under(a) assorted conditions in temperature, pH level, and emulous inhibitor (hydroxylamine). ABSTRACT: In order to determine the properties of an enzyme, a peroxidase enzyme was extracted from a brassica compestris (turnip) and tested under various temperatures, pH levels, and by a competitive inhibitor (hydroxylamine). The enzyme drill was measured in various ways depending on the activity. Temperature effects showed the amount of activity and decided the optimum pH level. The spectrometer showed the absorbance units at 500nm and determined the optimal temperature. The temperatures tested where 4ºC (approximately refrigerator temperature), 23ºC (approximately room temperature), 32ºC, and 48ºC. The pH levels tested were; pH3, pH5, pH7, and pH9. The competitive inhibitor used was Hydroxylamine. These tests resulted in the ability to determine the optimal temperature: 32ºC because it ambient to body temperature. The best pH level was found to be pH5. INTRODUCTION An enzyme is a protein that serves as a catalyst, which is a chemic agent that changes the rate of a response without being consumed by the reaction. The enzyme dramatically speeds up reactions by hard the activation cypher barrier. Every enzyme has a unique contour line because the substrates that marry to it are all different conformations. It fits like a fastening and key. Once the substrate enters the active site, the enzyme slightly changes shape in order to lock in the substrate and holds it in place. Enzymes abandon organisms to live by increasing the rate of a chemic reaction. The peroxidase enzyme catalyzes the reaction of the formation of oxygen. Various temperatures and pH levels exit be tested in order to determine the optimal environment for the peroxidase enzyme. HYPOTHESIS: Temperature: If the optimal human body temperature is 36ºC, therefrom the enzymes opt imal... ! If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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