Saturday, February 8, 2014

A Critical Analysis Of Merton'S Theory Of Anomie

This cover will argue that Robert K. Mertons scheme of anomy is a good foundation for the explanation of deviance in inn; it is far too general in its assumptions and often too vague in its consideration of certain circumstances. The musical com status will begin with a review of Mertons system and then point out the how his theory succeeds in providing a universal explanation of the incidence of many forms of deviance, while failing to explain the occurrence of white collar crime and crimes of passion, stop a uniform culture, and ignoring other theories which state that it is in position the structure of conjunction that deters us from deviance. The concept of anomie was in the beginning developed by Emile Durkheim in his 1897 book, Suicide. Durkheim used the term anomie, which he borrowed from the French philosopher Jean-Marie Guyau, to describe the lack of social regulation in new-fangled societies as one way that could raise self-destruction range (Durkheim, 1897). The criminologist Robert Merton, applied Durkheims concept of anomie to modern industrialized societies, and redefined the term as the structure of a company in which there is a significant breaking in the center of valued cultural ends and legitimate societal style to those ends (Akers, 2000). The offend between societys prescribed goals and the available instrument with which to attain those goals is what compels individuals to deviate from the accepted norm. Failure to achieve societys goals through the normal means will merely have different effects on different individuals. Merton plainly developed his theory by defining 5 Modes of accommodation (Merton, 1957) into which all individuals in a society could be grouped. These 5 categories are Conformity, Innovation, Rebellion, Retreatism and Ritualism. Conformity is the approximately common type of the fivesome modes. During this mode, people strive to obtain triumph by the more or less pure conventional m eans available and are non considered to be! deviant. Innovation is when people continue to seek success;...If you demand to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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