Friday, January 10, 2014


Leon Trotsky (1879-1940) 1879 | Born Lev Bronstein | 1897 | Becomes a Marxist & organiser of S elevate throughh Russian Workers fusion | 1903 | Becomes Menshevik after split | 1905 | Chairman of St Petersburg Soviet | 1906-17 | whole caboodle as revolutionary activist foreign | 1917 | Plays key armed services role in red revolution | 1918-21 | Organises the Red soldiery in Civil war | 1921 | Crushes the Kronstadt Uprising | 1924 | Death of Lenin & spring of power struggle with Stalin | 1925-28 | Loses present in Soviet Govt & exiled to Soviet Central Asia | 1929 | Expelled from Soviet Union | 1929-33 | In exile of Turkish island of Prinkipo | 1933-40 | In exile in France, Norway, & Mexico | 1938 | Founds the fourth international | 1940 | assassination of Trotsky in Mexico | PRACTICE QUESTIONS a) lineation the life of the personality you obtain canvass. (b) Individuals are products of their times.
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To what point does this withstand to the personality you put up examine a) key egress the role played by the personality you have studied in national AND/OR international history. (b) Events shape spile more than people shape events. How accurate is this statement in relation to the personality you have studied (a) Outline the primary(prenominal) features in the background and rise to prominence of the twentieth-century personality you have studied. (b) To what extent does history present us with a balance translation of th is personality? BACKGROUND FAMILY BACK! GROUND AND EDUCATION Born Lev Bronstein on 26 Oct 1879 to wealthy, but illiterate Jewish peasants in Ukraine. ameliorate at Odessa & than at 17 a school in Nikolayev, where he met young radicals who would secretly meet in the plantation; considered himself to be a Narodnik (folk nationalistwanted to create communism out of peasant communes) Commenced studies in mathematics...If you want to get a luxuriant essay, order it on our website:

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