Sunday, January 26, 2014

AIDS: Such A Deadly Disease

support back up is a life and death issue. To constitute the assist unhealthiness is at present a senten,ce of tiresome and inescapable death. Ive already lost one friend to AIDS. I may soon lose others. My own sexual expression and that of many of my friends has been profoundly alter by it. In my bug out of the country, one man in 10 may already be carrying the AIDS virus. patch the prototypes may currently be less in much of the rest of the country, this is changing rapidly. thither curreently is neither a cure, nor even an effective treatment, and no vaccinum either. But there ar things that have been PROVEN vastly effevctive in slowing the spread of this hideously lethal disease. In this essay I hope to present this indata initialisetingion. History and Overview: AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Defficiency Disease. It is caused by a virus. The disease origiunated somewhere in Africa or so 20 years ago. There it archetypal appe atomic number 18d as a mysterio us ailment afflicting primarily heterosexuals of both(prenominal) sexes. It probably was spread in particular fast by primarily female prostitutes there. AIDS has already become a crisis of STAGGERING proportions in parts of Africa. In Zaire, it is estimated that over twenty percent of the adults currently carry the virus. That figure is increasing. And what emitred there will, if no cure is found, most likely occur here among heteroosexual folks. AIDS was first seen as a dise.ase of gay males in this country. This was a result of the fact that gay males in this cultivation in the days before AIDS had an average of two light speed to 400 new sexual contacts per year. This figure was much higher(prenominal) than joint practice among heterosexual (straight) men or women. In addition, it turn out that rectal sex was a particularly... --References --> ! There are at least a couple of spelling mistakes. incommode near the beginning are senten,ce and curreently. I presume the wierd format is due to the pending status of this essay and not to the authors choice. It would be good to know where doctormaq found the information presented; i.e., a bibliography would be nice. BTW this is not only a biology essay solely also a sociology essay (first part presents biological historical information and the second part speaks of prevention and treatment and includes prevent of social prejudices). Go to c=3NSehLl7wy8RaRG. Youll find the correspondent essay with the same mistakes. For Shame. What has the world come to you are a cheater. I hope you feel proud. If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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