Thursday, January 30, 2014

A Womans Role

A Womans Role In every area of the world, women pee always had a role to fill. It has varied through the years as cultures have changed, but they are always let in in some way. quaint China was no different. Women were reigning of as unimportant, yet the Chinese couldnt have prospered without them. Women should be given the same respect that is given a man. quaint China was filled with superstition and undirected beliefs. It is as a result of this that women were treated poorly and unfairly. Women had very few rights, around of which were insignificant. They were not allowed to join the military to help fight for their country, they couldnt give their opinion to a man, they couldnt hold hardihood positions, they couldnt have a job other than housework, they couldnt own property, and they couldnt choose their husbands. Women were basically slaves. If a woman was caught impersonating a man, speaking out of turn, or not obeying her husband, she could be put to .. .If you want to get a full essay, arrange it on our website:

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