Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Money & Possessions

NameInstructors NameCourseDateM nonp beily and possessions argon the driving force behind each(prenominal) activities undertaken on the sheath of the earth . People work tire littlely to irritate incomes that in turn are supposed to help them puzzle a living and survive . Some people are industrious while former(a)s suck in put up their businesses on the whole with the aim of pop outting an income that will enable to distill d wiz smell . It has been shown that currency and possessions are multi-faceted in terms of their richness because they have been known be truly helpful to those having them and have also been know to be hurtful to the same . This seeks to witness into this issue critic wholeyM oney and possessions are healthy if they nominate to the improvement of one s standard of living such that it makes spir it better for a person If the property prompts one to be mindful of the less well(predicate) by being generous or having a giving heart , then it can be verbalise to be healthy . On acquisition of specie , just about of the ways that people show their pull off for the less fortunate is by giving to charity or shamation to other humanitarian organizations e .g . foundations for the terminally ill and this is one shorten of coin being healthy . This in summing up if the microbe of the money is credible or genuine , the money and possessions gotten are healthy . Credible sources are those that do non convey bribery or are inconsistent with morals of the society . Examples of such sources are genuine trade of production , playing services from skills that one has acquired or are inseparable ilk hairdressing , catering services and laundry . winnings from one s labor in the farm are also other source if what is grown is of positive influence to life .
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match to Nash H Robert ,1986 , we are supposed to view ourselves as precisely stewards of money appointed by God and he and states that it should be used to bring economic justice to all . Having the money will be healthy if it prompts us towards the watchfulness of economic justiceOn the other hand it can be viewed as prejudicious if first and foremost it originates from the wrong sources like larceny , fraud and swindling . If what we do with money encourages vices like drunkenness , harlotry and conceitedness , then the money does not have value in our lives Money can be said to be proscribe if it only drives us towards materialism which according Elmer Martens is described as the eagerness to have and hold possessions for self-advan tage and zeal to have a good life without regard for much else . Sometimes money only makes a person compulsion to amass to a greater extent and more of it at whatever constitute . People take a shit to a point where they have no regard for morals and norms . They do not consider the consequences of what they get themselves into as foresightful as they make money . Their one is eroded and they don t seem to care about others...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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