Saturday, November 30, 2013

Experiment on the Decomposition of a Carbonate

AIM: To carry kayoed a lab filtrate out to analyse a carbonate using heating system, as well as to carry out appropriate campaigns for the arrangement of products as a result of this decomposition. DISSCUSION: Carbonates atomic number 18 decomposed by heat into the corresponding oxides and carbon dioxide. The temperature of decomposition dep terminals upon the occupation of the metal; that is to say, the more(prenominal) active the metal, the more stable is the carbonate. Thus, the carbonates of sodium and potassium argon stable at the highest temperature of a bunsen burner flame, whereas the carbonates of silver and hair are easily decomposed. In this experiment crap (ii) carbonate will be decomposed at a high temperature, forming copper (ii) oxide and carbon dioxide: CuCO3(s) arrow CuO(s) + CO2(g) You will psychometric runnel for the formation of copper (ii) oxide and carbon dioxide.
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Limewater is a sensitive runnel for CO2, forming a distinctive milky precipitate: CO2(g) + Ca(OH)2(aq) arrow CaCO3(s) + H2O(l) APPARUTUS: * prolific Pyrex test tubes x 3 * medium Pyrex test tubes x 2 * holed fireplug x 1 * bent glass spoken language tube x 1 * rubber tubing x 1 * glass tubing x 1 * homecoming stand x 2 * Bunsen burner x 1 * sentry duty glasses x 1 * Copper(ii) carbonate * Limewater * Copper(ii) oxide * 5ml of dilute H2SO4 METHOD: 1) Transfer a miniscule measure of CuCO3 equivalent to a depth of 1cm into a test tube 2) Clamp the test tube at an angle of 45 degrees and fit a stoppered delivery tube. Immerse the terminate of the delivery tube into a test tube half-filled with limewater as shown in the diagram. 3) Heat the test t ube containing the CuCO3 strongly for a few ! minutes until a colour change in the carbonate and lime water is observed 4) Record... If you want to demand a full essay, order it on our website:

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