Thursday, November 7, 2013

Chiptole Ad Focus Group

SURVEY CONSENT FORM: Dear Participant: You scram selected to participate in an anonymous focus group as part of the advertising curriculum of the University of Florida College of Journalism and Communications. In this earn we ar interested in understanding your opinions and attitudes towards culinary experiences with ready(a) service restaurants, along with regards to advertising, green initiatives, social responsibility and distribution. This report has both a indite and verbal response component, and should take no longer than 30 minutes. Your liaison is completely voluntary. Your score and personal training will non be collected during/ afterwards the survey and so responses will be anonymous. Any information concerning your identity will be kept hole-and-corner(a) to the extent provided by law. In addition, your participation will not be rewarded financially or in any new(prenominal) ways. Only your solvents will be record. By participating, you are s imilarly consenting to being recorded by voice and partially by icon. These voice and video recordings will not be published or distributed external of the focus group. Upon completion, these recordings will be put down into soft data, keeping any personal identities confidential.
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If you have any questions just about the survey, please contact the survey moderator, Jimmy Larkin, at 407-539-4857 or thank for your time! I have read the surgical procedure exposit above. I voluntarily agree to participate in the survey and I have received a re-create of this description. PARTICIPANT contact: ___________________________________ DATE: ___________________ _________________________________ WRITTEN! QUESTIONNAIRE PRESCREENING (for research purposes only, your name will not be linked to your answers) Age: _____ hinge on: _____ Major: _________ Est. starting time Date: ________________ Please answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge. thither is no right or wrong answers, nor is...If you want to get a full essay, lay it on our website:

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