Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Potential Benefits Of Storytelling Used As A Knowledge Management Tool When Applied To Reporting Systems In The Field Of Medical Paramedics To Improve Patient Safety

MASTER IN KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENTWITH MULTIMEDIAFACULTY OF CREATIVE MULTIMEDIAJANUARY 2006COPYRIGHTDECLARATION I herewith declare that this MDP7719 look Project is my original work wait out for quotations , statements , explanations and summaries , which I have ready mentioned their sources . No mickle of this Research Project has been submitted in support of each practical performance for either other degree or qualification of this or any other university or institute of learningStudent s Signature : _____________ _____ view : ___________________Student s get wind : _____________________ Student ID : ______________ ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSDEDICATIONABSTRACTThis study describes and exemplifies story recounting as a proven companionship management (KM ) tool at bottom the consideration of emergency medical checkup services (EMS ) a nd specifically for medical paramedics to establish its potential to purify patient condom and decline healthcare error by possibly augmenting current inform systems of events . papertelling use as homophile tool to capture the dumb knowledge of medical paramedics and used in reporting systems within EMS is defined and exemplified through give-and-take and a model application to show its potential to emend safety for patients through the proceeds of medical paramedic a priori decision making and expert skills and improvements to the healthcare process , procedures and policiesTABLE OF limitDECLARATION iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iiiDEDICATION ivABSTRACT vTABLE OF CONTENTS viLIST OF TABLES viiLIST OF FIGURES viiiPREFACE ixS .NO HEADINGS.NO1 CHAPTER 1-Introduction 132 1 .1 Event substance fielding : Adverse and Otherwise 143 The trouble of Patient safety 164 1 .3 The Need For Effective Report System To see medical exam Paramedics Events In Details 235 1 .4 indispensability medical checkup aids : Four Levels of Exper! tise 276 1 .
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5 The Emergency Medical Paramedics Patient Assessment Process 317 1 .5 .1 colloquy 328 1 .5 .2 Documentation 339 CHAPTER 2Essentials of cognition Management 3510 2 .1 cognition , Tacit Knowledge and Explicit Knowledge 3511 2 .2 The Medical Paramedics Need to Report Tacit Knowledge 3812 2 .3 falsehoodtelling s Advantages as a Human Tool for Reporting Systems in the EMS 4213 2 .4 why Should legendtelling be Used in the EMS ?4714 CHAPTER 3 stagetelling as a KM Tool 4815 3 .1 How to throw composition Telling in Emergency Medical Service measure Practice 4816 3 .2 Corporate Story Telling5017 3 .3 lawsuit Study In The Corporate Story Telling5418 3 .4 Story Telling And Norwegian Businessman ASMUND LAEDAL : 5419 3 .5 Story Of An American Employee 5520 3 .6 Elevator Complaint Story 5621 3 .7 American Red Cross Story :5622 3 .8 employ Knowledge Management Techniques 5723 CHAPTER 4 5824 4 .1 Narrative Skills 5825 4 .2 Story Telling Is Part Of Business Process 6326 4 .2 .1 Why Collection of Data is necessary ?6427 4 .3 Story telling and...If you want to get a full essay, mark it on our website:

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