Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Essay about We Are Bound for the Promised Land

We Are Bound for the Promised Land is a story some a young girl named Eilean Macleod who merrys on a piteous farm with her produce, her mother and her two older babys. The story deals with themes much(prenominal) as religion and rules. Religion plays a big region in the everyday life of the MacLeod, with the father being a non-Christian priest religion is so important that almost everything in their hold is dominated by it, even down to the tiniest expound such(prenominal) as if it is a sin to peel your potatoes. furthermore the lives of the MacLeods atomic number 18 overly dominated by many a(prenominal) rules and members of the family will be punished hard if not abiding by the rules post by the father. The rules have even left its attach on various family members. The mother and the middle small fry chance onms to be persons who do what they are being told without a question, while the oldest boor instead has become more unforgiving at tries to see as soon as t he father is not nearby. go forth Eilean as the only one fighting to fall out expert the small amount of freedom she has left. Eilean MacLeod is the protagonist in the story. She lives on a small farm in the outermost Hebrides in Scotland. Eilean is the youngest of three sisters, the other two being Fiona and Mary.
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She is a topographic point of a tomboy because her only friends are two boys named black Angus Munro and Lewis Campell, to much sadness for her father who would rather cull that she befriends girls instead. Indications show that she has not nonetheless reached puberty as she muted often plays at the bound and with her two friends of opposite sex. She is also still ch ildish in many ways i.e. when she sticks her! tongue out at her sister or the way she obdurately refuses having a boyfriend. She is the daughter of a priest and this means that she has to live a very strict life and abide by many rules. The family in which Eilean lives is a very religious one. Her father is probably a Catholic priest judging from how many rules there is in the home. He is also the head in the family and the one who decides...If you want to brace a full essay, arrangement it on our website:

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