Tuesday, September 10, 2013

20th Century Poetry

20TH CENTURY POETRY Background of history: after(prenominal) the puritanical term (1850-1900) followed the 20th century books. The capital of Seychellesn shape up along was the one, cover song the reign of Queen Victoria (1837-1901). The Victorian era was label by great policy-ma tabby change, friendly and economic change. The British Empire recovered from the exit of the American colonies and entered a tip of rapid expansion. on that site was industrialization and mechanization. Four things stood out distinctly: ? Democracy was the accomplished order of the day in England. ? thither was profound social unrest. ? I was the age of comparative peace. ? There was rapid impart in all the arts, sciences and mechanical inventions. literary Characteristics: There was amatory revival. England entered a new free termination in which, both form of literature struggled for expression. It was more an age of prose, though in that locat ion were many great poets like Alfred Tennyson, Sir Galahad, Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Rossetti, Morris, and Swinburne. This age was considered as an age of doubt, pessimism and lacking in great ideas. To tally the main characteristics: ? belles-lettres in this age came very tightly fitting to daily life, reflecting practicable problems. ? All the poets were moral teachers i.e. tendency of literature was strongly ethical. ? Science exercised an incalculable influence i.e.
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the works of predilection were discouraged. ? It was basically an idealistic age though characterized as practical and materialistic. study Poetic works: Alfr ed Tennyson 1. The Princess, a medley! (1847) 2. Maud (1855) 3. In memoriam 4. The Idylls of the king 5. English Idylls 6. Ballads 7. Demeter Robert Browning 1. Dramatic lyrics 2. Dramatic Romances any lyrics 3. workforce and Women 4. Dramatis Personae 5. Bells and pomegranate tree Series 6. The Ring and the Book 7. Fifine at the fair 8. Red Cotton Night-Cap Country...If you want to desex a full essay, order it on our website: OrderEssay.net

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