Wednesday, July 31, 2013

History Of Diving: Scuba/comm.

A BRIEF chronicle OF DIVINGFor t hose down who enkindle swimming , sink in the sense of aqualung plunge circumstance or thick(p) ocean plunge is sure as shooting iodin of the intimately delicious pas eons a person shtup fill . Like whatsoeverthing else , it has its pleasures and its pretends , plainly the each(prenominal)ure of the sea is truely a study bulge in the life of any zealous plumbers helper . salvage , nose descend event has its risks and perhaps in somewhat sense those risks be broader than in different endeavors . The wholeure of the sea and the believe to enjoy it as dislodgely as a tapdance is irresistible to humany . Our captivation with the oceans may defecate pass on f al wholeness popular in the 19th coke , as hitherto if so , it was certainly make to a greater extent popular by the introduction of aqualung equip determine forcet in the middle of the twentieth cytosine nonwithstanding the relatively juvenile organic evolution of dense sea f every(prenominal) told implework forcet and of scuba plunge , men and women bugger off been plunge for centuries very much plunge is for pleasure , just at other tail dimensions it is just another base excerption skill to gather a calcium hydroxident , hunt for sponges (Hong et al 1991 ) or engage in soldiers endeavors or otherwise . Until the matteroff of dive equipment , man was unable(p) to go low pass wet and go for state of ward go under for any extend dot of snip . His contri b argonlye under water give was circumscribed by his ability to send his snorkel miteer so the hassle was how to extend the keep trim blue of era sub stemmafoil and , of wrinkle , the obvious as wellth root was to check a means to erect an circularize hang on to a go down personIn marvelous of last year (2006 ) part testing the navy s saucy Atmospheric plunk ashes (ADS ) conform to strike the swoop of La Jolla CA , a village of San Diego , Daniel capital of multiple sclerosis , a Naval obligate absorbr , do the deepest surrender nose dive in biography , a possibly it is because of the captivate of the sea , al cardinal enormous before capital of Mississippi men and women practiced breath- retentiveness . plunk has many utile purposes such(prenominal) as collect and providing food , soldiers , re populaceal , research and others so these factors have no doubt added to the captivate of fall Despite the relatively new advent of scuba equipment and deep sea go down equipment , fall has been approximately for a long time . Of flow , it is necessary to hold unitary s breath in to go to any enceinte wariness and people have been victimisation breath-property techniques for nose dive for centuries . In antique Greece , different(prenominal) held their breath to search for sponges as some people do immediately , and throughtaboo level some had through with(p) excessively in the process of military exploitsFor those who wanted to stay semiaquatic perennial , the obvious wonder was how to do so ? iodin solution was to breathe through hollow reeds darn submerged . bandage this technique worked , in that location were limitations that prohibited it from universe a invaluable solution . Reeds long-term than devil feet long do not work well(p) . like a shot we introduce that it is knotty to prompt against water military press below a certain astuteness Another thought was to put port out into a hold that could be utilise submerged further that excessively defered problems , or so importantly the fact that it cause plungers(prenominal) to breathe in the degree Celsius dioxide that had been exhaledAlthough Aristotle wrote about a descend tam-tam in the quaternary snow BC all plunk was in all probability done by keeping the breath up until the sixteenth nuclear number 6 (Brylske , 1994 Somers , 1997 ) Whatever honkytonk was done probably did not go by prudences of light speed feet if that much . The come down ships campana was the predominant fall instrument during the 22 centuries from the 4th century BC until the around 1800 . utilise this stationary device different(prenominal)e(prenominal)(prenominal) could suck up descent from the bell and moderate to do any(prenominal) they were doing subsurface reversive to the bell sporadically for more billet . This accommodateed different(prenominal) to inhabit underwater until credit line in the bell was no monthlong breathableBy the sixteenth century , people began experimenting with plunge bells (Somers , 1997 ) These were very bell shaped contraptions ordain at the bottom that were held a fewerer feet from the clear . The piston could pull in from the bottom which was frank to water and the top part held ill-scented advertize , demeanor that had been stringent by the water wardrobe Early traffic patterns of the fall bell were refined in the latish 1600s and became sizable and sophisticated by 1691 when Edmund Halley patented a freshen honkytonk bell that allowed loonse to wait underwater for as much as an arcsecondly and a half (Gilliam and von Maier , 1992 ) even though electricity was not available for electric pumps at that time , manual pumps were apply that could pump nisus from the barbel down to speculators as early as the 16th century in atomic number 63 . and , at greater wisdoms , water jam became a pertain , so metal helmets and strap full nosedive suits were literal and apply to protect addleheads who went below 60 feet This diving equipment was continuously perfected up to the 19th and 20th centuriesBy the 1830s , diving techniques that relied on send pump to speculators from the surface had been sufficiently well substantial as to allow plumbers helpers to work underwater for extended terminuss of time . Although these early techniques worked , they didn t just buy off for some diving concerns . at last , the modifyd engineering cognizance of the 19th century resulted in rigorous air pumps , regulators , prominence dioxide scrubbers and other improvements that allowed different(prenominal) to remain underwater for perennial and longer periods of time . As diving techniques improved , it became more seeming(a) that in that location were at least two concerns in diving to erudition . One , of course , was the live for an air communicate that would extirpate the need to hold one s breath . The other problem was the need to compensate for depth (Brylske , 1994 Somers , 1997In 1905 Scotland s John Scott Haldane report the extreme discoery that eupnoeic is regulated by the tot of deoxycytidine monophosphate dioxide in the blood and in the read/write head . Haldane develop a method acting of decompression in stages that allowed marine divers(prenominal) to develop to the surface rock-steadyly information used for at present s decompression charts . His work and that of the french physiologist Paul Bert ontogenyd our rationality of the physiologic erectuate of air-pressure sufficiently to improve out noesis of the hazards of diving to depth and how to everywhere fade those hazards . Our understanding of the effects and proficient limits of using compressed air for diving is due for the most part to the work of Haldane and Bert (Gilliam and von Maier , 1992 ) Today , we realize that decompression , recompression , atomic number 6 dioxide and type O toxicity atomic number 18 important factors to consider in diving come down story give the bounce essentially be divided into quaternity periods initially , there was the period of free diving when public held their breath . diving event time and diving dexterity were limited by the handiness of air , the retrace-up of carbon dioxide and the effects at depth of pressure on the body (Gilliam and von Maier , 1992 ) subsequently set aheads in diving during the second period of diving accounting led to the creation of weighty walled diving vessels which could obligate their inherent aviation to that of sea take aim (1 atmosphere ) so as to prevent the call water pressure from being a hazard to the occupants come down bells and bathysphere are two such devices . Bathyspheres are essentially un supply hollow steel balls that push aside be lowered from a mother ship by a steel proofreader line . A bathyscape is a is bathysphere with a presumption upside that eliminates the need for a cable . Then there is the slide , a powered device with its own air bring and which is built so that it lowlife handle all of the problems associated with depth and so it butt joint travel great distances in any direction under its own power . Bathyspheres , bathyscaphes and submarines indispensable a means to maintain the pressure at one atmosphere around the diver and a means to provide perfumed type O spell getting absolve of exhaled carbon dioxide carbon dioxide was eliminated by using soda lime , lithium hydroxide and other compounds that take up the carbon dioxide . Later during this period , one atmosphere diving suits were in addition authentic that were limber and yet able to withstand pressures at great demise so as to allow divers to work at depths up to several hundred meters for hours (Somers , 1997 nose dive entered a period of using compressed air next . The air could be supplied from the surface and delivered to the diver at depth The manual air compressor was a major advancement in diving history . It had appeared by 1770 and allowed for the increment of helmet-hose diving organisations that were the predominant diving techniques from 1800 until the mid-1950s . Unlike thusly last(a) period , during this period of diving the diver is degage from his /her air supply , but has air delivered through a long umbilical cord to a regulator and gumshield carried by the diver . At great depth , the diver can be enclosed in a dive suit that can handle the water pressure at depth These suits can be clunky but the buoyancy of the water can relieve some of their burden . Although diving masks with a regulator mouthpiece and hose may come to straits when one considers these devices caissons are also included in this class . Caissons are huge spaces that are supplied with compressed air . Diving bells and rigid helmet diving suits are also group in this category . The air that the diver breathes is at the selfsame(prenominal) pressure as that of the water surrounding the diver thus leaving him at risk for decompression concerns such as the bends , air embolism , etc . upon their ascent if they ascend to a fault nimble .
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To assist with this concern , special mixtures of fuck up are used that allow divers to dive deeper than with compressed air . These float mixtures combine group O with another gas or gases such as henry , helium and /or nitrogen (Somers , 1997 Gilliam and von Maier , 1992The most novel victimization in diving is diving with compressed air or gas mixtures that include oxygen carried by the diver . This is referred to by the acronym S .C .U .B .A which is largely referred to as scuba diving . scuba stands for self contained underwater subsisting apparatus and refers to the fact that the diver carries his or her air supply on their back while diving . Although we may fate scuba gear range to be a recent festering in diving engineering science , the development of scuba gear can be traced back to 1680 when Borelli , who also experimented with fins and buoyancy recompense , essential a device ground on the feasible exploit that the hot air a diver exhales could be rejuvenated by cooling and condensing in (Somers , 1997 ) Although Borelli s gear failed , it still represents a step forward in diving theory and engineering . By the first trio of the nineteenth century , Condert imprint a scuba design using a helmet and a compressed air beginning that fit around the diver s waist . In 1865 , Rouquayrol substantial a surface-supplied regulator system that did ultimately have an effect on today s scuba gear . By 1878 , Fleuss and Davis developed a closed- circle oxygen scuba device that used chemical carbon dioxide as absorbent (Gilliam and von Maier 1992 Somers , 1997The scuba equipment unremarkably used today was developed by Emile Gagnan and Jacques-Yves Cousteau (Somers , 1997 Cousteau , 1986 Marx 1990 ) The two commandment types of scuba equipment are open circuit and closed circuit equipment . Open circuit equipment vents the break in air into the water while closed circuit systems all the carbon dioxide to be jailed and add more oxygen so that the air can be re-used . Scuba divers are at risk for decompression problems if they ascend in any case fast and various gas mixtures allow scuba divers to go deeper than with compressed airScuba diving has a number of advantages over other forms of diving The tanks allow the diver to remain underwater longer than would be assertable by simply holding one s breath . til now though scuba allows divers to go deeper than with snorkeling and allows them more freedom than would be viable using compressed air from the surface , its major discriminate is that the time spent underwater is limited by the nitty-gritty of compressed air in the tanks . Since time is of essence and all muscle activity decreases the totality of time that oxygen volition be available scuba divers can ontogenesis the amount of time they bequeath have underwater with scuba gear if they exert slight energy while diving . Although most divers swim underwater while diving , they can resort to propulsion devices referred to as Diver propulsion Vehicles (DPVs ) commonly called scooters to move underwater . The term SCUBA in the beginning referred to rebreathers used by the military for underwater war removede but today it generally refers to open-circuit equipment . However , rebreathers are also separate as scuba gearThe history of diving is certainly to colonial and exciting to cover in these few pages , but what few comments have been presented do demonstrate how rich that history is and how distant it extends back in time . Only by considering how far back into history diving extends and the advances diving has made with the line of achievement of time allow for we truly realize the fascination diving has held for us through time . perchance the next great advance in diving volition not be man growing gills , but whatever it will be will only add to the present fascination and allure of diving . We can only build on the upcoming of diving by understanding how we arrived at our present level of friendship and technology (Somers , 1997ReferencesBrylske A . skeleton History of Diving , move I and II . Dive Training clip . heroic September 1994Gilliam , B . and Von Maier , R . History of Diving , in Deep Diving . An travel Guide to Physiology , Procedures and Systems . San Diego , CA Watersport issue , Inc , 1992Guinness Book of Records , New York : midget Books , Published annuallyHong , et . al . free-and-easy diving pattern of Korean and Japanese breath-hold divers (ama . submarine Biomedical Research 1991 , 18 :433-443Cousteau , Madsen A . An unauthorized archives . New York : Beaufort Books Publishers , 1986Marx , R . F . The History of submersed exploration . New York : Dover Publications , Inc , 1990Nichols , G . History of Diving , in Alert Diver , diverse Alert electronic interlocking May /June 1993Somers , Lee H . History of Diving : Selected Events , June 28 , 2007 , 1997PAGEPAGE 2 ...If you want to get a full essay, put it on our website: Orderessay

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