Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Heavily summarised notes for biological molecules (carbohydrates)

Outline - Introduction - construction of carbohydrates - Functions of carbohydrates - Tests for carbohydrates I. INTRODUCTION - Carbohydrates argon substances that take away the elements carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. - They have the habitual figure Cx(H2O)y, where x and y ar variable numbers. II. favorable structure OF CARBOHYDRATES - Carbohydrates are separate into three main classes: - Monosaccharides - Disaccharides - Polysaccharides 1. Monosaccharides - delineate as a carbohydrate which cannot be hydrolysed to simpler carbohydrate. - The general formula is (CH2O)n - commonality examples are glucose, laevulose and galactose (hexose sugars) 2. Disaccharides - A disaccharide is make by a condensation reaction surrounded by twain monosaccharides - one(a) molecule of water is outside from the pair of monosaccharides (Fig. 1). Common examples are: - malted milk sugar = glucose + glucose - lactose = glucose + galactose - sucrose = glucose + fructose - The bond formed between the 2 monosaccharides is called the glycosidic bond. 1 3. Polysaccharides - Polysaccharides are polymers of monosaccharides. Common examples are: - stiffen (storage polysaccharide) - Glycogen (storage polysaccharide) - Cellulose (structural polysaccharide) * Structure of starch - Starch is a polymer of glucose - It has two components: amylose and amylopectin. i. Amylose - It has a straight chemical chain structure.
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- Consists of several(prenominal) thousand glucose residues espouseed by ?(1-4) glycosidic bonds. - These bonds trend the chain to join helically into a more compact shape ii. Amylopectin - It is alike compact entirely has a highly branched structure. - The branches are formed by ?(1-6) glycosidic bonds. - It has in two ways as many glucose residues as amylose III. FUNCTIONS OF CARBOHYDRATES 1. Monosaccharides are for discount of nucleic acids (ribose is a theatrical role of RNA, deoxyribose is a constituent of DNA) and synthesis of disaccharides and polysaccharides. 2. As a source of energy 3. If you want to stir a broad essay, exhibition it on our website: Orderessay

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