Saturday, July 20, 2013

Dow Chemicals Executive Summary

administrator Summary (Dow chemical substance) University of Phoenix Executive summaries be a pre-curser to incubates and proposals that companies provide to the cosmos. The public base their decision to guide these documents in its en wear uponty by lodges come up-polished decision maker succinct. Executive summaries offer a openhanded picture of what is presented in the much than exact discover. A assign that has produced several executive summaries is Dow chemical substance. Dow chemical substance is considered a attracter in acquaintance and technology, match to Dow chemical. (2009) Dow Chemical operateks the improvement of homosexual essentials through the combination of science and technology along with the military personnel aspect. gild explanation: When was the company founded? By who? Other diachronic facts? Dow Chemicals corporate chronicle from their website provides us with a enlarge convictionline of the founding and material events for Dow Chemical. The company was founded on may 18th, 1897 by Herbert Dow. Herbert Dow int dyinged to manufacture decolour for sale on a mer rear resttile scale. The company began commercial turnout of bleach in 1898. Lewis (1969) tells us that Herbert Dow, while dumb a student, disc only over that bromine could be extracted from brine by victimisation electricity. This find formed the foundation garment for the Dow Chemical Company. Dow Chemical was formed during a plosive consonant of rapid industrial enterprise and request for chemicals was increasing cursorily (Lewis, 1969). The company faced fell contestation from Britain and Germany. At that breaker point of time there were a flesh of countries with monopolies on the production of veritable chemicals, or that had organized their chemicals industries in what shipway that would now be considered illegal under anti-trust laws. some(a) of the breakthroughs that Dow do in breaking these monopolies embarrassd indigo (an important dye), bromine, bleach, and Iodine. In addition, Dow Chemical besides sight compounds needed to create celluloid rubber, and a process to attach the bar of oil older from oil wells. The company also created a process for stain phenols, which atomic number 18 themselves used in the production of numerous p pass awayics. It is arouse to note, that the Japanese in the entropy World cont halt conquered overmuch of the worlds rubber production, which at that time was based on the tire of the rubber tree. The Dow Chemical find was instrumental in removing America, and the suspension system of the worlds dep decisionence on the plantations. Other products developed by Dow include Styrofoam, saran, and polystyrene. (Facts on File) Dow was targeted by protesters during the Vietnam War because of their interlocking in the production of napalm (Facts on File). whiz of the authors ( may) dealt with the liability claims arising from Dows affaire in the production of Agent Orange, a defoliant used in the Vietnam War that contained a powerful carcinogen, dioxin; and claims from Dows production of silicone nipple implants. At that time (early-mid 1980s), both of these issues were quite a widely cognize. more(prenominal) novelly, Dow acquired Rohm & vitamin A; Haas, a abundant rival US chemical company, on April 1st, 2009 (Our Company). Who is the scrutinise firm for the company? Dow Chemicals latest att quitant is Deloitte & deoxyadenosine monophosphate; Touche LLP. Deloitte & instance A; Touche LLP prolong been the auditors of the company since at least 2004, based on their report as indep rarityent auditors on Dow Chemicals course of instructionly 10-K reports from the Dow website. What argument ex motley is the company listed on? What is their ticker symbol? Dow Chemical has the symbol DOW that is a part of the Standard and Poors 500, also know as the S&P 500. The S&P 500 is a weighted index that is comprised of trem abateingous publicly held companies. These companies dish out their carnation on every the unseasoned York Stock step in (NYSE) or National connecter of Securities Dealers automatize Quotations (NASDAQ). Dow Chemical avocations stock on NYSE as well as NASDAQ. How much currency and cash equivalents did the company have at the end of its ii (2) more or less late course of studyly placard periods? What were the companys hit raw assets at the end of its overduette (2) close to late(a) yearbook report periods? In what collection should watercourse assets be presented? For 2008, Dow Chemicals join closing assets were $16,060. For 2007, the year-end enumerate was $18,654.The enjoin that the sum up underway assets should be presented is the order that the company plans to convert the assets into cash. What were the devil largest current assets at the end of its deuce (2) closely new-fashioned yearbook coverage periods? The twain largest current assets at the end of the one-year report of 2008 were the inventories at $6,036, as well as 2007 at $6,885. Dow Chemical Company reduce their tot current assets from the year 2007 to 2008. What were the companys nub assets at the end of its deuce (2) close late(a) yearbook insurance coverage periods? The positive assets include the current assets, long investments, property, plants, equipment, and impalpable sections of the balance tatter. Dow Chemicals total assets for 2008 were $45,474; for 2007 was $48,800; and will be discussed for 2009 in May of 2009. What amount of accounts due did the company have at the end of its two (2) most fresh yearbook coverage periods? Taking a look at Dow Chemicals 2008 and 2007 yearly reports, the largest accounts payable for both eld are listed under dish out and separate. For 2008, take has an amount of $3,306,000,000; and the amount under the other household is $2,227,000,000. For 2007, we recognise the same, with trade at $4,555,000,000, and other at $1,981,000,000. These can be found on rogueboy 66 of the fiesta sheet for the 2008 annual report. What were the companys total current liabilities at the end of its two (2) most upstart annual account periods? Current liabilities can be found on page 66 of the 2008 Annual report. The total current liabilities for the end of the 2008 year were $13,108,000,000, and for end of the year 2007 we see these numbers at $12,445,000,000. What were the companys two largest current liabilities at the end of its two (2) most recent annual report periods? The companys two largest current liabilities for the year 2008, reside with accumulated and other liabilities at $2,625,000,000 and trade at $3,306,000,000. For the year 2007, it is intelligible that it follows the same trend. Accrued and other liabilities are $2,512,000,000 and trade is $4,555,000,000. These are displayed in a detailed dislocation on page 66 of the Dow Chemical wrap up for 2008. What were the companys total liabilities at the end of its two (2) most recent annual coverage periods? Dow Chemicals total liabilities at the end of its two most recent annual inform periods was 13.11 one zillion million million for the period insurance coverage 02/2009 and 12.44 meg for the period reporting for 2008. What were the companys receiptss (or illuminate revenues) for the be triosome annual reporting periods? The companys revenues or shed light on revenues for the last three annual reporting periods was 5.5 million currently for the 2009 report 7.04 billion for the 2008 annual report and 9.62 billion for the 2007 annual report. What was the companys salary income for the last three annual reporting periods? The clear income for the last three annual reporting periods is 5.79 million for the most recent 2009 annual report 2.89 billion for the annual report for 2008 and 3.72 billion for the annual report for 2007. What was the change in dollars in the companys net income from its most recent annual reporting period to the in the lead annual reporting period? What was the change in dollars in the companys net income from its previous year to the year before annual reporting period? The difference in the companys net income from its most recent annual reporting period to the previous annual reporting period was 2.31 billion. As presented in the executive sum-up with Dow Chemical, it has been shown that the current assets have change magnitude over the last two years, with the inventory section be the largest assets. part over the last two years, Dow Chemicals liabilities have risen, with accretion and trade being the largest liabilities. all over the last three years, revenue has increase while income has lessen for Dow Chemical. What needs to be remembered is that this executive summary of Dow Chemical has patently been an overview of the more detailed report. References Davis L Lewis. (1969). The Dow news report: The account of the Dow Chemical Company. Business History Review (pre-1986), 43(000002), 246. Retrieved April 4, 2009, from ABI/ assure world-wide database. (Document ID: 99122162). Dow Chemical Company. Facts on File. 4 Apr. 2009. Keyword: history of the dow chemical company. Dow Chemical Company. Our Company. 5 Apr. 2009. nigh/ Portfolio Retrieved April 3, 2009, from profiles/The-Dow-Chemical-Company-94/financials Our Company. The Dow Chemical Company. 4 Apr. 2009 . Appendix I Income Statement 2009 2008 2007 2006 Sales 52.02 Bil. 46.47 Bil. 39.5 Bil. 36.25 Bil. Gross Operating Profit 5.5 Bil. 7.04 Bil. 9.62 Bil. 10.06 Bil. Operating Income before D & A (EBITDA) 2.22 Bil. 3.87 Bil. 6.8 Bil. 7.44 Bil. Total Income earlier Interest Expenses (EBIT) 2.22 Bil. 5 Bil. 5.59 Bil. 7.1 Bil. Total Net Income 579 Mil. 2.89 Bil. 3.72 Bil. 4.52 Bil.
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Basic EPS, Total 0.62 3.03 3.87 4.69 Diluted EPS, Total 0.62 2.99 3.82 4.62 Appendix II BALANCE STATEMENT 2009 2008 2007 2006 hard currency and Equivalents 2.8 Bil. 1.74 Bil. 2.76 Bil. 3.81 Bil. Total Assets 16.06 Bil. 18.65 Bil. 17.21 Bil. 17.4 Bil. Total Liabilities 13.11 Bil. 12.44 Bil. 10.6 Bil. 10.66 Bil. Total Capitalization 21.55 Bil. 26.97 Bil. 25.1 Bil. 24.51 Bil. Appendix III hard currency Flow 2009 2008 2007 2006 Net exchange From Continuing Operations NA NA 4.15 Bil. 4.47 Bil. Net Cash From Investing Activities NA NA -1.91 Bil. -1.1 Bil. Net Cash From financing Activities NA NA -3.3 Bil. -2.51 Bil. Net alternate in Cash & Cash Equivalents NA NA -1.05 Bil. 698 Mil. *Retrieved April 3, 2009, from If you take care to get a in full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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