Thursday, June 27, 2013

Highlight The Main Advantages And Disadvantages Of Individual Versus Group Decision Making. Discuss The Main Factors Affecting Decision-making Processes In Organisations. How Can Managers Ensure Effective Decision-making?

Highlight the master(prenominal) advantages and disadvantages of individual versus group termination making. Discuss the main factors change decision-making wreakes in organisations. How potentiometer managers regard effective decision-making? January 2001, condition matter: 3113. ¡§Decision making is the act upon of making a prime(prenominal) betwixt alternates¡¨ Rollinson (1998). Decision-making is almost univers exclusivelyy defined as choosing between alternatives within an organisation. It is both(prenominal) an accusing and subjective operate involving both the identification of goals and formulating an orderly lick for attaining them, but also the true(a) decision makers¡¦ characteristics and traits may sanction expendancy shortcuts and excepting less than ideal alternatives. It should supercharge be noted that in accordance with Minzberg and his conceptualised empirically establish three stage phases of decision making: identification, evolution and selection, he deduces that it is also a can-do process as there are continuous ¡¥feed-back¡¦ loops in each of the phases. ¡§Feed-back loops can be caused by problems of timing, politics, disagreements among managers, inability to describe an appropriate alternative or implement the solution, turnover of managers, or the sudden show of a new alternative¡¨ Herbert A Simon (1955). Decision-making is angiotensin-converting enzyme of the beginning(a) primary responsibilities of perplexity and executives alike at all levels of the rail line organisation, and is instanter associate to all of the traditional solicitude functions.
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afterward it is adhered to be one of the riskiest and toughest purposes that managers begin to undertake. The quality of a managers¡¦ decisions directly effects his or her career opportunities, rewards and job satisfaction, but more than prominently the resulting decisions transmit to the success or potence also-ran of an organisation. Bad decisions have the potential to irreparably victimize a business or career. Decision-making is a sequential process quite an than a serial of steps, and should be thought of by managers as a mover rather than ends. Best decisions¡¦... If you exigency to agitate a encompassing essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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